Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Story of Transistion at Sweet Water Organics

We visited Sweet Water Organics in Milwaukee, and it was a very educational experience.  Their website states "In 2008, Sweet Water began the transformation of an abandoned industrial building into a showcase of potential living technologies and urban agriculture. We strive to become a resource for job creation and use of urban settings."

On the tour we learned that they were in transition from breaking down their aquaponic system from inside the warehouse to outside in greenhouses.  They had learned after creating a very sophisticated system indoors, including digging trenches through the floor, that it was difficult to balance the quantity of fish with plants in a symbiotic relationship without having to use lots of energy to generate light for the plants indoors. 

We also learned that a majority of what the fish were fed here was not soy based, but instead fish meal for protein.  We had a small discussion too that all aquaponics is moving towards circular tanks for fish, learning that this creates a healthier more natural environment for them to survive than straight edges and rectangle shapes.  I especially loved how art was incorporated throughout their facility, connecting food to the art movement.

For more info check out: 

Very sophisticated system with piping and lumber throughout warehouse.

Barrel aquaponics display which can be googled and built for under a 150 dollars

Explaining the symbiotic relationship of plants and fish.

One of many trenches dug out for the fish

Side view of the trenches

Looking at a mult- level system built for fish production

Closer look at trenches

Trench with growing platform on top.

Tower of Aquaponics

Our tour guide lifting up the floating raft showing the roots systems of chard below.  

Floating raft aquaponic system with plants cut into Styrofoam  raft floating on the surface of the water.

Rainbow Chard

Transitioning to the new facility where aquaponics is house in it's own building connected to the greenhouses outside, where water travels by gravity to and from this building in a continuous system.

Fish swimming in a circular tank now.

Starting seeds under lights.

Two fish tanks and lower capturing tank receiving water back from he greenhouse.

Outdoor greehouses

floating raft system in 19 inch deep beds of water.

seeded plugs floating in raft system,

Fresh lettuce grown in rafts!

Greenhouses with outdoor raised beds.

Compost bin for vermiculture.

Larger greenhouse with raised beds and straw bales surrounding it.

More greenhouses.

Open storage warehouse.
Beautiful mural to entrance of building.
Signage at front door.
Personal qoutes and art.
Beautiful entrance and mural.
Smaller aquaponic units with cool art!
More cool art all over the warehouse walls....
Grow or Perish....or maybe Perch
Close up of lights and growing bed system.
Look at students learning about this expansive system.

Exterior of the building and loading dock.

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